Archive Mode. Call May | 9th Annual PleinAir Salon ended on 5/31/20, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
Petrichor is the smell of the earth after the rain. I painted this large 44x54" plein air painting up north Wi over the course of several days. The rain that is in the puddle was so recently in the sky is cathartic. The wood is potential energy and the product of physical labor. The painting for me is as much about the physical world as it is the sublime... a monumental pile of freshly cut wood reflected in an unavoidable puddle... as if heaven has come to meet us on earth. I would have entered this in the plein air only category but I worked on this and had it about 90% complete in the field and then brought it home to finish from imagination. I hope you love it and can imagine the smell of the earth after the rain and the sweet notes of cut wood.